Songlearning.com helps choirs learn their notes, intervals and rhythms quickly and precisely, while also helping them become better sight readers. We offer MP3s and CDs of many major works and octavos in a way to help facilitate the learning of these pieces.
What is Songlearning.com's difference? Take a listen to the Handel Hallelujah Chorus Alto part.
Want more details? Go to our Demo Page.
After over 30 years of producing the Songlearning Systems, Hammond Music Services has a Library of over 2500 octavos and more than 375 significant choral works. Check out our library of major works here.
You receive all voice parts for a single work AND you are licensed to copy as needed for your choir.
375+ Master Sets on one 128GB Flash Drive! Buying the Master Sets separately would cost your choir over $35,000!
An individual voice part for the work. This is not licensed to share or duplicate. Usually ordered by an individual choir member.
Songlearning.com is on hiatus. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions, Contact Us. We would love to hear from you.